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Kizhi skerries

What are skerries mean? Most likely, the word has a Scandinavian origin. In Swedish, “skar” means “cliff”, “rock”, “hindrance”.

Skerries are the group of compactly located islands and separate surface underwater rocks. Underwater rocks are called “blind skerries.” The concept of "skerries" is called the space occupied by the islands.

A large number of rugged islands bays are found where the glacier passed. The shores, bordered by the skerries, have many quiet harbors where you can hide from the storm (“zashkeritsya”, say sailors).

Reserve region

Kizhi skerries are 5 hundreds of amazing beauty of the islands of Lake Onega. They miraculously preserved their originality. Now the skerries of Zaonezhie are specially protected territories.

Tourists are convinced that the islands are unique while traveling to Kizhi skerries,. It affects a variety of terrain and climate. And the richness of the flora and fauna of Zaonezhye is surprised even by researchers.

There are more than 700 species of plants scientists have counted only on Aptekarsky Island. On Bolshoy

Klymetsky and other islands you can meet moose, bear, fox or hare.

The most famous island of the archipelago is Kizhi, where there is a reserve of wooden architecture.

You can see the famous Kizhi skerries on a meteor trip to Kizhi Island.


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