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Konevets Island

Chapel of the Assumption of the Mother of God
A small wooden chapel appeared on Konevets in 1899. It was built on the site of an old worship cross. The cross made of wood was broken by the storm. Chapel stands at the road fork. One leads to the Holy Mountain. The other is to a secluded Kazan small monastery. Surrounded by a pine forest, the temple looks just tiny, almost toy. The Assumption ...
The horse stone is the most ancient and mysterious object on the island. There is a mystical power in this place. Local shepherds, then still pagans, offered sacrifices to spirits here. The stone is the altar on which the priests of the tribe performed a special rite. On a strictly fixed day, the priests selected the best horse in the herd and br...
Konevsky Monastery
Konevetsky monastery has a complicated and long history. It was founded in 1393 by a Novgorod monk, Rev. Arseny. He arrived in this region with the mission to convert the local Karelian pagans to the Christian faith. In pre-Christian times, the priests of the shepherd tribes carried out sacrifices to the spirits here. They used a large granite boul...