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Konevsky Monastery

Konevetsky monastery has a complicated and long history. It was founded in 1393 by a Novgorod monk, Rev. Arseny. He arrived in this region with the mission to convert the local Karelian pagans to the Christian faith. In pre-Christian times, the priests of the shepherd tribes carried out sacrifices to the spirits here. They used a large granite boulder as an altar. Horse-stone - the oldest religious place on the island.

Six centuries of Orthodoxy

Monk Arseny brought a miraculous icon from Mount Athos to Konevets. The list of its is one of the main shrines of the monastery. When Arseny started building the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, which became the main monastic church.

A small island on Ladoga managed to be in the power of the Swedes and the Finns. XIX century - the heyday of the monastery. The emperor Alexander II came to the island. Famous writers left their memories of the holy place: Tyutchev, Leskov, Dumas.

During this time, the elders began large-scale construction. They designed a new cathedral with a high bell tower. There are the sketes were set up where in ancient times was a monastery.

You can find out how the fate of the island monastery was going on, explore the restored buildings, get acquainted with the modern life of the monastery by going on an exciting tour of the famous Konevets.



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