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The horse stone is the most ancient and mysterious object on the island. There is a mystical power in this place.

Local shepherds, then still pagans, offered sacrifices to spirits here. The stone is the altar on which the priests of the tribe performed a special rite.

On a strictly fixed day, the priests selected the best horse in the herd and brought him to the island. On a special platform, the animal was turned on a stone and killed in a ceremonial way. In gratitude, the spirits took care of the state of pastures.

In the 14th century, the situation changed. With the arrival of Rev. Arseny, the sacrifices ceased. He personally conducted an orthodox cleansing ritual at the stone. The spirits in the form of ravens left the island after the ceremony.

Chapel set on the top of the stone in 1895. The miniature church was consecrated in honor of Arseny Konevsky, the founder of the local monastery.

Horse Stone is the name of the island. You can see the wonderful Horse-stone in the pilgrim or sightseeing tour of the island.


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