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The Grand Peterhof Palace

A major sight of Peterhof park and its architectural highlight is the Grand Palace. This architectural masterpiece was built during two centuries, that is reflected at the exterior of the building, which embodies the elements of many styles.

The front of the Grand Palace is decorated with baroque elements: pilasters, bas-reliefs, intricate ornaments etc. From outside the palace seems truly imposing, but entering it one will be surprised with its humble size. Altogether the Grand Palace comprises 30 rooms, which look quite modest for the members of imperial family.

The most spacious hall is, of course, Throne room. It served mostly to hold balls and concerts and meet important guests. The invited guests were waiting for the encounter with the emperor in the Chesma Hall. It is decorated with numerous paintings, depicting dramatic scenes of the Chesma battle. Less important guests were met in Audience Hall. The hall was decorated by the favourite architect of empress Elizabeth F. B. Rastrelli. The oldest castle premises is Painting Hall, the final interior of which was formed in the realm of Peter the Great. The decorations of the hall include antique French tapestries and the painting of the best Italian artists.

You can enjoy the beauty of the exterior and interior of the Grand Palace during your visit to Peterhof. The fastest and most comfortable way to reach the territory of the park is fast moving motorboat hydrofoil. Arriving at the shore of Peterhof you will already feel the perfection of the Grand Palace that proudly stands above the whole park complex.



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